Buffalo Pound Lakefront Properties - Phase II
Prime Lakefront Properties for Sale
Buffalo Pound Lake, Saskatchewan
Phase II – Prime Lakefront Property
This land is exceptional for prime lakefront property development being located on the valley floor. The elevation of the property is well above the 1:500 year flood zone for the area and away from the valley slopes thereby avoiding any possible slope stability issues. Valley slopes behind the property are undisturbed with natural vegetation and wildlife habitat. The lots slope gently to the lake providing natural trouble-free site drainage.
Lot 12: Prime Lakefront Property [SOLD]
- Address: 825 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Approx 100 ft. of lakefront beside a Municipal Reserve.
- Lot size: 18,540 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 100ft
Lot 13: Prime Lakefront Property [SOLD]
- Address: 827 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Pie shaped level lot with approx. 100ft of lakefront.
- Lot size: 18,346 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 100 ft
Lot 14: Prime Lakefront Property
- Address: 829 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Pie shaped level lot with approx. 100ft of lakefront.
- Lot size: 17,698 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 100ft
- Price: Call 306-681-7599
Lot 15: Prime Lakefront Property [SOLD]
- Address: 831 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Approx. 75ft of lakefront on a level lot.
- Lot size: 14,844 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 75 ft
Lot 16: Prime Lakefront Property
- Address: 833 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Approx. 75ft of lakefront.
- Lot size: 16,881 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 75ft
- Price: Call 306-681-7599
Lot 17: Prime Lakefront Property
- Address: 835 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Approx. 75 ft. of beautiful lakefront property.
- Lot size: 18,308 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 75 ft
- Price: Call 306-681-7599
Lot 18: Prime Lakefront Property
- Address: 837 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Approx. 75 ft. of level lakefront property which is professionaly rip-rapped.
- Lot size: 16,598 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 75ft
- Price: Call 306-681-7599
Lot 19: Prime Lakefront Property
- Address: 839 Daniel Dr, Buffalo Pound Lake, SK
- Description: Approx. 75 ft. of nice level lakefront property which is professionaly rip-rapped.
- Lot size: 15,876 sqft
- Waterfront Frontage: 75ft
- Price: Call 306-681-7599
Power: Electrical service to your exterior meter socket is included in purchase price.
Natural Gas: Gas line has/will be installed in the street. Service connection cost is the responsibility of the purchaser.
Telephone: Sasktel land line service is available as well as cell service.
Internet & TV: Is provided to the area via a number of satellite companies.
Water: Provision of potable water is the responsibility of the purchaser. Oasis on Wheels and other companies services the area with potable water to fill your cistern. Drilled wells have also been successful in the vicinity but not always great drinking water quality.
Sewer: The Purchaser is responsible to install an onsite wastewater holding tank upon obtaining a permit from Saskatchewan Health Authority. Olson and Sons Septic Services serve the area with sewage pickup as well as other local companies. The Village of Bethune has confirmed they have lagoon capacity to service our area. Individual sewage haulers may have their own sewage disposal arrangements with the City of Moose Jaw.
Approach: Purchaser is responsible for the installation and cost of their approach and culvert if required.

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